Roche Dietitians
“We Test for Safety”
IDDSI Training Program
What is IDDSI?
It’s All About Safety
IDDSI is short for International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative. (You know it’s international when it’s spelled that way! LOL!) It is a new standardized way to identify and define texture modified diets (such as pureed diets or diets that incorporate soft and ground foods) as well as thickened liquids. There are 128 countries worldwide engaged with IDDSI and it is translated into over 50 languages
IDDSI classifies texture modified diets and thickened liquids into one of eight levels as outlined on the framework graphic pictured here. Each level is distinctly identified with a color, number and name. The combination of the 3 identifiers will help to limit errors in prescribing, identifying, preparing and serving dysphagia diet orders.
IDDSI is an exciting change in the world of texture modified diets and thickened liquids because it is designed to improve safety during eating and drinking for those with dysphagia.
Incorporating IDDSI it takes a carefully planned, interdisciplinary approach.
In addition to new diet standards, IDDSI introduces testing methods that are used to verify that food and beverages are at the individual’s prescribed level before they are served.
The tests are easy to perform and an important step in safety, but they will need to be incorporated into your food preparation and service processes and several disciplines will need to be trained.
IDDSI is worth the effort but you might need some support getting it fully implemented.
Roche Dietitians “We Test for Safety” IDDSI Training Program
Want to learn more about IDDSI? Check out our blog, including Your Ultimate Guide to IDDSI.
Considering starting IDDSI implementation? Take a look at our “We Test For Safety” IDDSI Training Program. It will empower you and your team to keep those you care for safe.
IDDSI requires ongoing training and multiple points of reinforcement. We’ve built our training materials around the theme “We Test for Safety” to help every member of your team understand their role in the IDDSI process.
Some key benefits Roche Dietitians “We Test for Safety” IDDSI Training Program brings to you and your team:
Learn IDDSI in a thorough, clear, and organized way. We have broken down the many facts of the IDDSI framework into an easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive curriculum.
Focus on what your team needs. We have included all of the important knowledge and skills that those who prepare and serve IDDSI diets need to incorporate into their daily work.
Empower multiple types of learners to access this information, including non-native English speakers and those with lower literacy.
Foster independent problem-solving. The Roche Dietitians “We Test For Safety” IDDSI Training Program connects the simplicity of using a fork, spoon, and straightforward observations to verifying that IDDSI diets are prepared and served in accordance with IDDSI standards. We also offer strategies for getting accurate products served. All of this keeps those you serve with dysphagia safer.
This is everything you will need to train your team on IDDSI. Use all or some of our training materials.
Our Roche Dietitians “We Test for Safety” IDDSI Training Program includes:
“[The training program videos are] excellent. They are simple to understand. [They] repeat the important visual messaging, and the level of instruction is important for the target audience.
Roche Dietitians “We Test for Safety” IDDSI Training Videos:
Our training videos are here! Click here!
Get impactful IDDSI Training Videos to help everyone on your team understand IDDSI. Safe time and jumpstart your IDDSI training with Roche Dietitians online videos that incorporate clear and visually pleasing slides along with a script that is detailed, yet easy to understand. This 5-part series covers principles of each IDDSI level along with IDDSI testing.
The Roche Dietitians “We Test for Safety” IDDSI Training Program videos are versatile and can be used in multiple settings.
Our training offers hands-on learning and highlights the role of the fork, spoon, and straightforward observation as powerful tools to keep those you serve with dysphagia safe. Can be used in coordination with our Roche Dietitians “We Test for Safety” IDDSI Training Posters.
We have created comprehensive posters and visual aides to reinforce IDDSI training concepts and emphasize the theme “We Test for Safety”.
Our easy to follow posters will help empower your team to see their role in IDDSI.
We can customize posters for your organization with quantity discounts available.
IDDSI Testing at a Glance provides a bird’s eye view of all IDDSI testing methods that correspond with the various IDDSI levels. We focused on creating a simplified table that your team can easily follow and ensure “We Test for Safety”.
IDDSI Testing by Diet serves as a quick reference guide for testing. This poster is sectioned by IDDSI level and includes pictures of the relevant testing methods specific to that level.
Food Testing Audit Tool:
Record your audit testing on this easy-to-implement and easy-to-use form. The Roche Dietitians IDDSI Testing Report allows you to test multiple IDDSI levels and multiple foods on one sheet.
Since you may not be serving all IDDSI levels, we provide a PDF version of the form with multiple levels.
Tap into Our Dietetic Expertise
Don’t go it alone. Since IDDSI’s inception, Roche Dietitians has been leading the way. Part of that leadership has always included teaching others how to create plans for IDDSI implementation including training programs, updating diet manuals, recipes, menus, and therapeutic diets. We’d love to give you support in any way you need it.