Resources for Individuals and Caretakers
Resources for Individuals and Caretakers
Welcome to the Roche Dietitians resource hub for individuals with dysphagia and their caretakers!
Whether you’re an individual seeking advice on texture-modified foods and drinks or a caretaker supporting someone, we understand the challenges of navigating how to handle texture-modified diets. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of valuable resources to empower you with knowledge and practical solutions.
Your Trusted Resource
With so much information available online, it’s essential to have a credible source you can rely on. Roche Dietitians is that trusted resource. From blog posts addressing dysphagia (chewing and swallowing difficulties) to specialized nutrition advice, we’ve got you covered. Explore our content, stay informed, and enhance your well-being.
Blog Posts:
Ultimate Guide to IDDSI: Dive into our comprehensive resource on the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI). Understand the terminology, levels, and practical implementation strategies. Access the guide here.
Free Downloadable IDDSI Level Charts: Simplify IDDSI levels for texture-modified diets and thickened liquids. Download the chart for theIDDSI level that is appropriate for you here.
The MIND Diet: A wholesome way to eat that promotes brain health and has been shown to prevent dementia MIND stands for Mediterranean DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It is an eating pattern that combines two well-studied diets that are associated with health promotion, the Mediterranean diet and the DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). We put together this blog with infographics on the MIND Diet to give you a quick way to get to the details of what makes up the MIND Diet.
More To Come…
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